Monday, January 23, 2012

Guinea pig

When you realise you have been used as guinea pig, mixed feelings comes to your mind
1. At least i am suitable as guinea pig
2. What happened to the experiment
3.Who will be next guinea pig
4. Who was the last guinea pig
5. The world has improved by my sacrifice?
6.How could i have saved myself?
7. Has my interiors changed after being used as guinea pig
8. Am I better now?
9. Am I worse now?
10. Can i experiment same  on others?
11. Who will be first in that case?
12.If somebody else make me guinea what shall I do?
13. Had i enjoyed being a guinea pig?
14. Am i looking forword to become guinea again?
15. Am I really regretted ?
16. Has the person regretted for making me guinea?
17. Where I can get others of my kind and share experience?