Wednesday, October 28, 2015


we have different ways of celebrating some occasions.
we celebrate anything. be it a small achievement , a relief from something , reunions,  anniversaries and birthdays.
 we  all love to party .

A shared  chocolate can be a  party
Tea with biscuit is very much a party .

Some like to raise a toast .
Some find best restaurant.

It can be at home
or an ice cream parlor

Some like to invite  all the friends and friends of friends.
some keep it quite with best ones .

Be it Chai Tapari( Tea House), Coffee shop , home or ice cream van
Be it Wine and dine , sweets or beverages you like.

Only thing is you cant do it alone .

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

People do strange things . Totally illogical. They gatecrash where they surely know they are not welcome.they spend time with people who don't like their company.And in end they disappoint with outcome.
And it happens again and again.
problem is that we don't learn anything from history.
You feel very miserable when people around you want to end meeting desperately .And they  don't hide it.On the contrary they show their despise so openly .You smile ,laugh try to show your ignorance of fact .But you too wait to end the ordeal.
Such incident you feel ashamed.You feel like person not having any dignity.
You swear never ever to be in such situation .
But we never learn from situation .
we do it again .and again

Sunday Run

how a blog should be ?
shall it contain only good things.
or shall it be gateway to  all private sorrow and grudges?

writing good things is politically good move . but it is boring to read.
Good is always boring and bad  sensational 

 This Sunday was bad day for my running . Generally we run longer on sundays .Running on different surface keeps running interesting . Last sunday we ran on Eastern Express highway. It was great expeience  to run with a superfast highway on one side and lazy creek full of mangroves on other side .
Reaching there was task . You need to wake up around 4 o clock after late night Saturdays. i always curse my decision to take up  running  on those early mornings. you have not rested properly and driving for a while .
When you reach there and see the crowd in darkness of the dawn. The mood changes .All that giddiness goes away . and you are runner again to achieve your PB ( PERSONAL BEST) .

Pre run warm is always interesting thing in places like this. You dont have your usual trainer . You can join any group doing stretches. You dont know group . you dont know trainer . Nothing matters . Just stand in last row and start. Nobody minds .

 all the Runs starts at 6 AM . Whether it is event or practice . I started bit late but surprisingly i picked up pace very early . and  group separated very early. You run along with unknown people for few hundred meters . you greet them. encourage them and sometimes converastion start .You talk about training about your work about you are routine about experience of past marathons . you get friends there . I have few such friends now.

There are running celebrities as well . They keep on encouraging us online( on run) and off line( internet)

after 4.5 km somebody running from opposite site shouted my name ran towards me and hugged me . He was my old friend Rasesh Parekh , We met after 6 months . i turned around and ran with him for few kms.

i left him at Ghatkopar and started running back towards Mulund . There were many people running in both direction .Men and women. Young and not so young . encouraging words and  smiles keep you  running .
A man in 50s from Parle was running in sandles along with me for last 2 kms . It was difficult to keep pace with him . i asked him about his sandals . He smiled " Running sandals bought in US " Oh my Gos . I m too naive .

 At finish there were photographers of our Group .  I did 13 km with pace under  6 min per km.  Run was good . But photograph was not .

After run stretches . many groups doing it first time together on footbridge over  high speed cars of EEH.  It was experience . You just need to be there to have it .

On that backgroud this Sunday was not that fantastic. It was Juhu Beach. But reaching there took 55 km and a hour . It was humid . It was 2 days after Dasara and remains of idols were laying scattered on beach . It was beach but it was far cry from alibaug , Guhagar or any of Konkan beach.

Running with dirty Arabian sea on one side and five star hotels on other side was an experience too. But running on sand was not that easy . Sand was being loosened with  running, cricket and other activities with time . after half an hour it was challenging to run loose sand.
I ran out of energy because of heat and humidity after 7 th km. I was sweating profusely . but i dont leave things incomplete . 8 km was target . i continued . i took out my shirt as it was heavy with sweat . i ran like Salman khan for last km.

There was so crowd on beach of kids, elders , doing different activities or relaxing , runners were in minority .
After run stretch was just a formality .

Taking out car out of parking in narrow lane took more energy than entire run.
Driving back did rest of it.
and something was waiting for me here to test my patience.

However there was silver lining to the cloud sunday on this s to make me survive in the turmoil. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I almost forgot i had a blog. I have not opened this page since last three years . other day some one sent a link to his blog then i remembered i had blog too. Though with a very few posts, but it is there.
Thanks to google as they need only one password for all their services, i was able to open this page .
I forgot passwords too quickly.

Three years .
A lot happened in these years .
One of the things is my English worsened but i dont care because i know there wont be many ( or any ) will be reading this page.

I am out of practice to write , but i will write as there wont be any judges to sentence me,
i have not planned what to write or the topic or the feeling.
i am not sure if i want to share a pain or something
or i have complaints about life, because whatever it is good or bad it is because of my choices.
I am just typing the thoughts as they come to my mind.

It was easy initially because those were few. now is exodus of thoughts trying to get expressed.
My fingers are not as fast as my thoughts.In the process those precious thoughts are getting lost . I am sad for it. Because after a while i cant recollect those spilled thoughts.

In the melee some nonsense is getting typed . But i am not worried because of following
1. something is being written that means i can still write.
2. Only i m going to read this than why care
3. Who cares.

So much for the beginning .  But there is nothing further i can write so is it beginning or ending .

Whatever !

Whatever?  i remember this word i hated most when it was uttered rudely by someone i  care. i used to be more sentimental by this word

Problem is that every innocent word remind me something which i should forget .
But why i should forget ? it makes me smile when i connect those words,
But it gives bitterness too ?
so what ? A moment of happy memory can afford the small amount of bitterness.


Wine is bitter but it dosent stop you to love it . It takes you to another world . And you get addicted to bitterness. It  makes you happy . It makes you addict .


Is to bad to addict to memories , to places, to people. It takes you to beautiful past. The past I am proud of.

Past .

 Dont stick to past They say, move on . Live in present .Enjoy life and be happy .

Present .

Presently i am confused with everything. My fingers are not compatible with my thoughts and refuse to oblige..
Better i stop here.

I promise my self to open this page again .