Monday, September 4, 2023

7th Heaven Day


Satara hill half  Marathon....

I did my first one in 2016. It is called Indian mini comrades because of huge elevation, scenic route, and wonderful crowd support..

Last year a bus full of our friends travelled to Satara and had fun. It was my 4th Satara.

This time I was not very keen as group was going to Ladakh and  my other friends from all over India were also doing  world’s highest ultra Khardung La Challenge there .

 My Berlin was round the corner so Ladakh Ultra was not an option. Though I registered for Satara I was not very keen to travel all 6 hours for just an half marathon.

No travel, no hotel was booked. I almost decided to skip it till my coach Satish Gujaran sir insisted me to do it .

 Guru said go. And do sub 2 hour finish in that 415 meter elevation gain event .

 I resisted. But he insisted

“ It will increase your confidence for Berlin.”

 Entire Satara hotels were sold out  but buddy Dr Anant accommodated me in Fern.

Expo was great. Crowd was huge but they managed it well. Bumped into some friends there.  Excitement started to kick in.

Made a plan accordance with elevation gain and loss at every kilometre

Fern was good hotel., full of runners from across India. Tried to sleep early but as usual  night before marathon is always a sleepless one.

 In huge police ground around 5000 runners were doing warm up on music .It was exciting. I forget my reluctance. In line up I found friends from Palava runners .

 “What is plan? “I Asked Arijit .

” Nothing less than gold medal!”

“What is that?”

“If you finish sub 2 hour  you get gold ( coloured ) medal”. Manoj replied instead.

"I  also want Gold medal " I shouted loudly  .

 When you speak your loudly, it becomes commitment I read that somewhere.

Runners anthem a new idea by Satara people was followed by energetic Indian national anthem. And there was flag off.

Air was cool but I was feeling hot after  uphill 1st km .   Next 2 km were gentle rolling. Clocked sub-6. Wow. Plan was working. 4th was bit climb but I continued running . 5/6/7 I had planned walk . It was really tough to run.

It was too uphill. But  Why I am surprised?  I ran here four times before .Then  started segmenting this tough part in walks and runs . Managed to clock it below 8  minute per km .I was running as per plan but  I  started doubting  my  own plan. Because averages pace has reached above 6:30

Damn this pace thing. I am not seeing thousands of runners running along with me . Different colours . Some familiar names on T shirts. Some colours constantly running ahead of me like my pacers. The historic city in valley. Clapping of supporters all along route. Drums, music. I was indifferent to everything. Even I didn't heard shouts of water station volunteers .

I remembered last year's race. When I was pacing friends.  No goal finish was set .Many high fives   with crowd cheering from side lines  . Cracking one liners with them. Playing Tambourine while running. Mocking photographers with weird poses.

This year I was missing all of that and just focussed on damn pace.  Though this was my fifth Satara, it was  mountain didn’t become easier .Sub 2 was almost impossible task for me.

And now my chances looking dim. But I believed in my calculations. So I thought after 7th  it is flat terrains. I will push and cover lost time. But it was not that flat, it was rolling . I was running sub 6 minutes  per kilometre . But I knew it was not enough. Now kilometres were feeling like miles. I had calculated to reach   turn around point  at 63 minutes , latest by 65 minutes .

But this halfway target  was also looking distant. All of sudden a huge incline welcomed me in 10th km . Was it there last time ?  I had to walk. I gulped a gel by walking glanced at watch .and I knew I will not finish in two hours .

     Turn around happened at 68 minutes.

   “10.50 km in 52 minutes.” not possible. Period .

  I felt free.  Relieved.

No pressure of expectations. It doesn’t matter now.

" Anyways this is your training run for Berlin only. This is not your race  .so no point pushing. for impossible.” I convinced myself.

Now I could clearly listen music,  slogans  hailing great king Shivaji , patriotic , motivating songs on loudspeakers ,Drums playing on sidelines .I could smile at girl at water station who was wishing good luck .

I could see known faces in runners running towards turn around point in opposite direction and wave and answer their waves.

I could reply greetings of runner friends. I stopped glancing frequently at watch .

By now I crossed 12 /13 km mark. My feet found downhill and responded in accordance with training  it got . Running was easy and fast. My watch vibrated at km 14 and told me that  you running at 4:31 min/km. I was surprised I don't run that fast even in my sprint practice . Legs were making merry encouraged by steep slope. I started targeting colourful T shirts ahead of me and overtaken hundreds of those. My watch vibrated violently and shouted “  Last Km was4:09”

 “Is it happening real or I am in dream?” I questioned in my mind. Slow down Dilip. Might be cramps are waiting round the corner.

An ambulance siren was becoming louder. “Give side to ambulance "

  A runner behind broke my train of thoughts.

I stepped aside. Ambulance zoomed past. I prayed for runner in it .Last year's incident crossed my mind. Some runner from Kolhapur lost his life in final  kilometres. Very sad incident.

I came back on tarmac and continued cruising downhill. “4:17” watch yelled .

Alright sir this is happening real .I was really enjoying slopes. At water stations road had become slippery I  rolled over it with  dangerous cadence .

"Slow down Dilip. Berlin is just three weeks away. You don't want to get injured for your first world major "

“4:25”   watch vibrated again.

. By the time hill was over and I entered into city .there was no more sharp downhill . but rolling. I got bored as Honeymoon  was over . I walked at a small uphill  glanced watch for time lapsed . Mind automatically calculated required pace for Sub 2 . Wow!!! It is easily doable. Immediately legs started running. I was running easy but interestingly pace was below 5. But I was afraid to push  .

"This is not your race " I reminded myself again ."This is just training run for you . Coach just wants sub 2 finish"

 And calculation told me sub 2 is very much possible now .no need to rush .  I eased and kept cruising easy on gentle slope at pace of 5 . Few runners ran  past me . I didn't care .

A white paint writing on road told 300 meter to go. Wow 150 steps of each foot .

I started counting. Red carpeted finish line was waiting for me with half a dozen photo graphers.

Drum was playing loud in police grounds. I wanted to dance on that tune.  may be Couple of hundreds  runners finished before me  ., So  this huge ground was kind of empty .

Selfie stands were all available. This was rare scene for me not to wait for my turn for photographs . I took the opportunity to take some selfies.

I was not still believing  my  dramatic  finish . I checked my watch app .  I ran last 10 km in just 47 minutes . My  four year old PR was 51 . And current was 53 . It was huge progress of 6 minutes.

 Later that day  when official result were out I found myself at 7th position in my age category.

 It is 7th Heaven today!!!