Saturday, January 13, 2024

BUS NO 420- TMM 2024

The Tata Mumbai Marathon is a pilgrimage for Indian marathoners, and it is truly an honor to lead the bus on this iconic route. With its massive crowd and numerous turns, this city marathon presents a unique set of challenges. Negotiating the packed streets often leads to running extra distance on turns, as the sharp curves are not easily navigable. We'll aim to run tangentially to minimize this effect, even though  we will be covering a few extra meters in total distance.

Considering the elevation points and the increasing warmth of the Mumbai weather, our strategy involves starting the first half slightly faster than the second half. Our average pace will hover just above 6 minutes per kilometer, adjusting for the course dynamics.

To simplify monitoring, I've divided the course into 5 segments: four 1-hour segments and the last one to the finish line. Our strategy is straightforward—maintaining a pace of 10 km every hour for the first three hours, around 9.5 km in the fourth hour, and finishing the remaining distance in the last 20 minutes. Finishing the 10 km in the fourth hour also provides a cushion for the final segment.

This approach not only makes it easier to remember and monitor but also has a psychological advantage. Focusing on just 10 km at a time helps us stay mentally strong throughout the race, especially since we're the bus number 420!
Remember to carry your hydration for at least the first 10 km, which take you through the heritage sites of South Mumbai's Fort, the modern area of Nariman Point, and the refreshing sea breeze along Marine Drive. It's a journey accompanied by music both on the streets and within.

As we progress, adopting a strategy of walking 50/100 meters after every third kilometer adds an interesting element to the race. This provides a mental break and helps maintain an average pace. After obtaining the map of aid stations, we'll plan our walk breaks strategically, allowing everyone to grab water bottles during those intervals.
Consider implementing a walk-run strategy after the first 10 km, as the race begins to thin out, and walking in a group might obstruct others. These walking streaks also provide an opportunity to consume gels, salt tablets, or electrolytes from aid stations. Plus, we can even take a memorable selfie at the iconic Sea Link during one of these walks.
  Shortly After we take  blessings from lord Ganesha at  Siddhivinayak Temple, our third segment concludes. While it's a flat stretch, it's a defining moment for the bus. Fast runners may find us too slow, and tired runners might struggle to keep up. Stay positive, listen to your body, and remember, TMM happens every year. Here we have opportunity to watch almost  flying elite runners on the parallel dedicated lane.

At 37 km, we reach Pedder Road—a famous yet misunderstood part of the Mumbai Marathon. The moderate elevation at this crucial point, coupled with the support from residents and even the Japanese consulate members, adds spice to the race. Embrace the challenge; it's what makes TMM beautiful.

As we approach the end of our fourth

segment, with just a couple of kilometers to go, enjoy the music, bands, and cheerleaders along the route. Acknowledge their support with a loud thank you, but stay focused as the finish line is almost within reach.

In the final stretch, despite the fatigue setting in, maintain your pace. Remember, your mind may be tired, but your legs can carry you. The camaraderie among runners becomes evident as they cheer and encourage one another. As we leave the waterfront and re-enter the heart of the maximum city, the crowd's energy propels us forward. Dont forget to smile here ,  Race photographers are trying to give you best Insta pics 

By the time we see the finish gate, more than 42 km would have been conquered. Sprint those last few meters with a wide smile and your signature pose. Don't forget to end the activity on your tracker before receiving your medal and indulging in a wild victory dance. And, of course, don't forget to hug your pacer if you've reached the target time.

See you in Holding  Area Corral B !


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