Friday, May 19, 2023

Kalimpong Ultra Marathon Part 5- Running in Heaven


Kalimpong Ultra Marathon – The Race Day – Running in Heaven

However early you to go bed on eve of a marathon you cant sleep. You just lay restless in bed  trying hard to get some sleep. You are not afraid as you are not doing this for first time but marathon jitters are part and parcel of running. I woke up with throbbing head even though I was lucky to get  few hours of sleep . I was up one hour before my alarm.. Rain was thundering all night and it was pitch dark inside and outside. I couldn’t a see a thing in dark. Though everything was already sorted , I was worried about forgetting something . But good man Sunil started generator for some time.

  What to eat before marathon is big debate all the time. someone eat light breakfast, others don't take anything. Sunil has arranged bread butter, boiled potatoes , eggs and black tea .

It was cold outside. And when we reached start point. There was total silence.  Just  cold , wet and  dark grounds.

No music was blurring ,no zumba like usual marathon, just runners finding a way in water puddles to bag drop .As it was raining  and storming whole night power  was out .

We did some warmup , lined up . Meanwhile organisers arranged some light and sound system . Though day was breaking out, sky was overcast and  few rain drops  to make me further scared .

Suddenly a band entered grounds playing some wonderful tunes. Then I remembered Famous band of Kalimpong which got international accolades.

  Against all odds race was flagged off at 5.05 AM. all the scare was driven away with go whistle and we started easy.

Easy was mantra for first 5 km.

 Based on available information I had made a  raceplan . First 5 k steep uphill’s

 Walk more run nominal. Then next 15 rolling up to Lava run some walk some.

Then run in decline to next 12 km .

My plan was conservative. Our Delhi Friend Rita liked it instantaneously. When I showed it earlier day. “ Dilip we will run as per your plan” She had declared at dinner table last night ,So we were together. The Dagar Sisters of Gurgaon are very good runners. Elder Rita does ultras like Khardung La Challenge. Younger Geeta is short distance specialist. She is podium finisher in all the half marathons she participated. Geeta was competing in her first 42 k in this event. I was amused by her choice to choose her first full marathon

    Within 100 meters of start point everyone started walking  on steep incline in very Pedong Village . Light was improving and clouds were dispersing at signs of sunrise. Just out of village a mesmerizing scenery rose up in front of us. Runners forgot walking and clicking pictures of majestic nature around us .

Legendry runner Satish Gujaran was leading group of his new  followers just ahead of us . Mostly runners of Mumbai and other parts . I am following my guruji since 2019. It is fun running in his bus . We love to run with him. We get lucky if we get an on-run   photo with him. He keep encouraging in his unique ways. He keeps rhythm. In Mumbai and around people on sides chant his name "Satish, Satish" ,when they spot him in race. He tell us stories about comrades , some tips in ultra running . Some anecdotes. His style includes walks in race plans . His group chants count down . 10,..... 3; 2, 1 walky . After 30 seconds of walk again there is count down 3, 2, 1 , run .  Aho is his famous chant.

On easy inclines there are some other rhythmic chants. He is not only very good marathon runner, he is most inspiring runner I have seen . He turns everything electric around him.

 Many runners formed unofficial bus around him. 

Me and Rita were just behind his bus. Dr Ajit Oak another legendry  comrades runner , Pranami chakravarty young Assamese Doctor were also in earshot range .

And two runners from Mumbai with nice message on back of  T shirt . They were from same Mahalaxmi racecourse  Ultraz Group . Almost all of them are doing Comrades this year.

  Arun Devarajan a runner from Kerala was running barefoot marathon. At many place road tarmac was roughened for grip with sharp basalt stone. It must be painful running barefoot. But Arun was smiling ear to ear .

He was carrying his go pro camera and shooting every runner passing by and not caring about his own finish time. I had very good time running with him.

Sun was up by then . Scenery was changing. The colourful roofs were shining in faraway mountains in morning sun. It was amusing to see small villages on slopes of green mountains. Incline was constant not much rolling. Most runners were jogging walking. Now gap was widening. Satish sir chanting bus was out of sight. May be because of weather around, ,easy approach , and race was still young everyone seemed happy .

According to my over conservative plan  we were well placed after end of first hour . So I reset next benchmarks. I was feeling to change gear. My team mate Rita was following original run plan comfortably. So I decided to speed up as per revised targets .  Fast Full marathon runners were coming back from Turn around toward their podium finish. Geeta Ahlawat ( Rita’s sister)was one of them. She was really running great. Only one woman I saw earlier than her . So it was sure podium for her among women.

Pranami was running her first 90 K.

I gathered some pace and got ahead of flock .

"It is just half km and then it is downhill"  a returning 42 km runner shouted . It was a real relief after half kilometre. Up to 20 km we were going easy because of incline. So legs were still fresh and raring to go at sight of downhill. At FM turnaround volunteers were ready with camera, water and some food . It was slowest HM i ever did 2:57 but I was happy. I grabbed something to eat and refilled my water bottle. It was all downhill . And beautiful scenery all over. I was in flow now.

I overtook so many runners.  I over sped. I was scared of my own pace but didn't care. Didn't stop to have photograph at huge I LOVE LAVA sign . I didn't stop to admire beauty of town Lava. I just waved  at army men controlling traffic for runners .Didn't stopped at aid stations much. Just ran fast at pace around 5:30. I have habit of counting runners coming back from turn around .

That is the  number of runners ahead of me . I counted around 12 till midway. I overtook Satish Sir bus just before turn around. At turnaround organisers has kept out tod bags . I found mine for some gels .they have also kept khichdi to eat . Instead   grabbed a piece  of boiled  potato and headed back .it was uphill till 45 now .no question of running here on steep gradient. Plan was just walking as fast as  possible .After first km i decided  I will not  allow pace to drop below 11 min per km..

Satish sir training helped me a lot here. I was walking fast. I was happy with pace of 10. I saw a  runner just sitting at side of road .I asked him  if he need anything he was feeling  dizzy .

I overtook couple of more runners on the way . I realised road was full of hairpin bends. No bend was more than 400 meter or so . Whenever I looked up it was hill  so high  looking down at me .

Once I saw   reflection of sunlight flashed  on passing vehicles in trees much above me I realised  I have to go up there . My heart sunk by the enormity of the climb . Eventually  after sometime I reached there and  looked   road below  where i was running and felt good .

A runner came from behind and asked me if I need water . Since we both were walking conversation started.Pritesh Rendaria is a Mumbai runner. Part of mahalaxmi racecourse group. He was preparing for Comrades marathon.

He started running just couple of years back. He asked me  why I run this as not preparing for comrades .I answered with question “why you run Pritesh ?” And we shared our stories. Within two years he excelled this sport of running   and now he was ready for ultimate human race, Comrades Marathon.

Many runners of his team were running 65 and 90 in this race and their family members hired a vehicle to support them with water , food , coke.

Aid stations were 5 km apart of more in that case this moving aid station helped me a lot. Rather in later part of the race when sun was burning on head this teams support proved vital .

I have reset target of 45 km  which was  at  top of lava at 6.30 hours . Keeping targets conservative makes you really happy after achieving those. So I was very happy to achieve it 15 minutes earlier. Meanwhile my partner Pritesh  the happy enthu  runners lipped ahead of me .

 Though I could see him occasionally on bends above me , I didn't tried  to catch up. For a kilometre I got company of Goa runner Amit Taparia .He too was too fast for me . At 46 km organiser team welcomed us with water , food , energy drinks .. The senior lady tied one beautiful white gamachha  like cloth around neck of runners .

I felt good , though ii didn't understood purpose of that gamacha May be it was some tradition. I made a point not to lose that till end. I tied it again properly

 It protected my neck from burning sun That gamachha is in  my marathon souvenir closet now .

 That midway welcome gave a to boost my energy.

I had feeling that the worst part is over now .It is all cruise of 19 km  on decline to Pedong now . Realty was different.

I forgot to account that sun was burning hot in mid-day sky, my legs  are tired with 46 km in different terrains , and I am running totally alone now .

I had no energy to run fast , catch Amit or Pritesh and run with them , by now they were 1 km ahead of me . I could see Pritesh bright yellow  Tee shirt  from some hairpin bends  ahead .

As a selfish timing obsessed runner I was not ready to walk slowly and wait for trailing runners and run with them .

I was afraid , if I do that I will fall behind them too.

Earlier I could see runners  passing  or coming from  u turn ahead. There was no such a point now. It was just me in middle of shadowless hill  road . occasionally ultraz van used to come and offer some water or energy drink .

I have tendency to ignore aid station as knowing there is always another one little ahead . This time too I ignored one aid station forgetting next is 5 km ahead. As a result  I was out of water .

Though it was slope most of the part, some part was rolling too .I couldn't go fast as I thought. My watch was  showing pace of 6:30 when i was feeling it is 5:30. It was frustrating.

In any race however route is beautiful, there comes a time when you don't feel motivated. In this race km 50 to 55 was such period.

Scenery was beautiful as it was, wind was whispering  through tall pines as it was , but I was not feeling that energy.

   I felt good when i came across a small uphill because I could walk for few minutes. May be my mind was more tired than my legs .on one such uphill I glanced at sky . It started clouding black now. There was some growling sound as well. Suddenly I felt afraid what if it hailstorms now. There was no shelter . Even though  there is any I hate stopping in  a marathon race. Finishing time doesn’t  make any difference if you are not among podium finisher . Though most runners are obsessed with it.


I had already 14 people ahead of me I don't want few more . I started running again .my hydration pack was empty now , a volunteer  bike passed by me . I shouted for water. The guy stopped “I don’t  have water . But don’t worry  I will bring” he zoomed away   and returned 10 minute later with a bottle.


“Pedong 9 km” a milestone said loudly .My watch echoed too  .Now distance to go was in single digit . A glory was waiting for me there. In my mind I started drafting my social media post next day . I started pushing. In front of one beautiful house few dogs started chasing me . 8 years into running now I know how to handle chasing dogs . In all part of India the trick is same. You stop, make a sound,  bend  to pick up a stone even if it is not there . The dog becomes afraid of counter attack and back out . Hey here comes last water station. I learnt my lesson and stopped. Asked for coke they didn't have . I refilled my bottle . After some distance I saw car my saviours  the mobile water station run by family members of Mahalaxmi Ultraz. I asked for coke. The kind lady handed me a bottle . I took a sip and returned. " keep it , you will  need it " she said .

 A young Assamese runner came cruising and ran past me "15, I can't let it happen" Ego  shouted within  . Though I was tired I l tried to gather some pace . The boy started walking and I passed him again. a small joy keeps you motivating

Now Iwas in front   of Neel Pahari..  It was familiar now. Though  it was named  Neel it has flowers of all colours and shades . Sunil  and his family love flowers. On my left side  some  army men were cheering from sides of their  huge ground . And behind that ground I could see Damsang fort hill which I hiked yesterday.

4 kms to go now .Venkatesh Prabhudessai a new but very strong runner from Goa came from behind . He was running steady but I could not keep pace with him  So it was 14 again . "let it be , anyways it doesn't matter "  I warned voice of ego within me . Next day I came to know  Ananya  daughter of Venkatesh  and Rucha my daughter studied from same college  in Pune . World is so small.

It was steep downhill now within village of Pedong . I could identify shops I visited yesterday. And one water distribution system made of thousand pipes connected to one main line. I remembered Thamel area of Kathmandu . Where  they had thousands of electricity cables dangling  over main line . God knows how they find right one.

1 km to go. Satish sir had taught me to finish strong .I was feeling good . I picked up pace. I could see Venkatesh ahead of me .  He was running good too. I heard  some faint announcements on loudspeakers . I realised that I am here near finish line.  I entered the Pedong ground  which I left   eight and half hours earlier .  I heard loudspeaker announcing my arrival.

"Here comes bib no 6530.

Dilip Ghadge  came all the way from Mumbai  to participate in Kalimpong ultra . And he finished it in style "

 I strided  strongly thru the balloon entrance gate . And continued to glide even past till the fence skipping high like child.

I was feeling  so energetic , I could have done few kilometres more . I remembered I  pushed hard in all races in this year till date and finished  tired with no energy to celebrate. . Last kilometres were always an agony , a relief . but this race I enjoyed, felt experienced, sipped like wine  and finished in good taste .

I wanted to hug someone. I wanted to dance .But I missed my usual buddies . I remwmbered was traveling alone. Of course, I got many new friends here. And couple of old friends will be reaching shortly to finish line.

I messaged home. Collected my medal and finishers t shirt . I found Geeta. As I guessed she finished 2nd in women's overall . She looked like a real athlete among all . Despite nearing 50 she was looking like some champion sprinter in her  early thirties . Her first marathon, that too in hills and  podium finisher in that . That was incredible. And she was beaming with joy champions are happy people.

    Runners kept crossing finishing line . Kept celebrating.Both race ambassadors Satish sir and Becky finished together .

When I passed Becky at some 35 k mark , she was looking tired . She was unwell since last week . But  she has never say die attitude.  She too finished among winners in women's category.

I remembered Rita is yet to come. Me and Geeta tried to call her. I  felt guilty as we decided to run together as per my race plan  but  I left her at  15 km mark and moved ahead as a selfish runner.

  But every runner who travelled thousand miles to race here in hills of Kalimpong is true champion. She reached finish line in sometime. I was relived to see her crossing finish line “ Aap ne muze kyun Chhod diya ? . I checked time she has run exactly as per plan we decided earlier.

    Roshni the organiser treated with us with local millet beer served d in bamboo glass . It was incredible drink. Everyone I knew in last two days has finished before cut off. I was not feeling lonely anymore. I was not missing anyone now. Rather I felt I knew these people forever.

  Back to home stay. I called home to give the news. Called Sanjay , my buddy.  I wanted to write face book post. But mind was full of words not ready to assemble into sentences.  So I wrote a two line Strava title . Posted result on friends group and retired to room.

Party was on mind, party was in air. Got a call from Satish sir. He called some others.  Few others called him. Everyone was looking for a watering hole.


Silk route was place decided.  Reaching there was a task. Realised that this is only place in this valley as everyone was here.

Sky was furious again. Growl turned into rumble and then thunder. Power was dancing in the tune of that thunder. It was dark outside. Sitting at crowded table in dim light. I glanced at my mobile. Weatherman said in app "Storm approaching"

 “I am the storm now”. I smiled to myself and picked my foaming beer mug


Kalimpong Ultra Marathon - The Expo


Kalimpong Ultra Part 4- Bib Collection

    Bib collection was at start point at Pedong Ground  5 km away from our Homestay  which was on route itself . Reaching thee by a jeep was a short recce itself . Huge descend to ground  made everyone silent . Next morning it is going to be huge uphill.

   Pedong ground was getting ready for race next day. Some volunteers were struggling with balloon start / Finish gate. Volunteers carrying BIBS and Kits were sitting behind few tables.   Runners from almost 15 Indian states collected their Bibs, trying their event t shirts, checking their blood pressure and clicking photos . It looks like Ultra runners knew each other as there was lot of shouting, hugging and clicking in small crowd.  I was new to ultra marathon circuit. So I knew very few people.

Roshni was busy with last minute arrangements. And great Coach Daniel himself was distributing bibs to runners.

This was first year of Kalimpong ultra-Marathon. The venue is situated in remote eastern Himalayan hills. Nearest airport and railway station is almost 4 hours away. In Mumbai marathon events happens almost every week may be half, or 10 k. Some event happens somewhere. But in these hills, this was happening first time .and that too ultra marathon.

My Guru my coach Satish Gujaran was busy giving photographs with runners . I think he is most photographed male runner in India. Wherever you go in India he is always surrounded by fans. Another race ambassador is also most popular woman runner of India. The beautiful, gorgeous, stylish Becky Pde from Meghalaya.

Both of these runners are not only ambassadors of this race but ambassadors of the game. Runners are always amused to find them down to earth,  humble human beings,  ready to listen , ready to talk , guide and  answer their queries.

   Surprisingly I couldn't clear mandatory blood pressure test like many other runners. May be because of anxiety, altitude or supposedly faulty machines. Couple of days back I had cleared my 2D echo Test so I was not much worried.

  Race Director Daniel and Roshni briefed the race, route, aid stations. Roshni is force behind this event . For her it not only marathon event she is holding. She is looking for integration of Indian Gorkha culture with main land India . Her statement seems Gorkha are as patriot Indians as anyone else. She wants to introduce and invite as many peoples from entire India and visit beautiful region of Kalimpong hills. At the same time, she wish to showcase Indian ultra runners to local aspirant runners. In the process she is helping valley's economy some way.

On Roshni's request race ambassador Satish Gujaran told few tricks about hill running to audience of runners. The veteran of 11 Comrades’ finishes is runner and coach now and helping many runners to qualify and finish comrade’s marathon. Runners got some easy by Satish sir guidance. It takes a pep talk from a legend to remember your strengths.

 All in all expo ( It was not exactly expo barring one Oakley sunglasses stall ) was a celebration, a memorable event with lot of laughter , photographs with new friends from far away states. But sky was getting darker with black clouds so homestay was much safer place . Sunil Mukhia is happy host . He manages place with his witty wife and three children  He welcomed  us back  with steaming Pakoda and black tea. People kept adding on and table turned into big circle .

Room was again anxious place again till early dinner. In Nepal 5 years back I heard a funny term "Dal Bhat power  24 hour."

I wished this Dalbhat will give  me same power .


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Kalimpong Ultra Part 3- Neel Pahari Resort


 Kalimpong Ultra Part 3

"Oh yes ,  we spoke on phone "  Sunil Mukhia  was pleasant man in his mid-fifties . As we entered home stay , we were stunned by colours of flowers. The entries entrance and balconies of two storey house was laden by flower pots of different colours. Plants were  placed everywhere possible , horizontally and vertically . It was most beautiful welcome to any place.

   However Neel Pahari resort our homestay looked like forever work in progress .  In the basement the Mukhia family was running a school.  Some adding of floors and rooms as and when required was evident. Still some construction was going on. Why it was called Resort I don’t know .


      But my expectations were not high . Neel Pahari was built on a slope you can view a deep valley from one window and a tall hill from other. I was happy though room was very basic . Weather was pleasant  now . I didn't wait for hot water . Quickly took a shower and came to dining area . It was around 5.30.  Sunil asked Black Tea or with Milk . I remembered ginger Tea on  my EBC trek. Tea with milk was rarity  there.  Sunil loved this valley . He told me   Geography

“The road you travelled is silk route . It was trade route between india and Tibet thru Sikkim”

  “India annexed Sikkim and China annexed Tibet” , So no trade after that”. Some History too . 

“In clear weather you can so Dokhlam from here” . There was some bloody wrestling between Indian and Chinese soldiers  a year back in Dokhlan    He told me some war stories of the place too.

Though in Bengal  this region is not true Bengali . Its Geography , Demography is different . This Eastern Himalayan region is bordering  Bhutan , Sikkim and Chiana , Bagladesh are not far away .

  Dining hall was filling with runners  from Delhi , Haryana , Guwahati. Mostly they were in groups . Ex

Cloud cover above started rumbling  now .

The rain started and quickly turned into hailstorm. It was terrifying noisy affair .  “ What if it happens in race ?” It was scary thought .

In eastern part of India night come relatively early . So it was already dinnertime. Sunil’s family cooked simple but delicious food .

It was early to bed . But could not sleep because body clock has its own way. There was some anxiety building up. A fear of unknown.

I was staying alone in a secluded terrace room . Different thoughts crossed my mind I was afraid of unknown. It was unfamiliar way of going to sleep.

Sun rises very early here. Though I was fully awake, I didn't moved from bed till I got a feeling of sunrays entering from window glass.  I glanced at watch, it was 5.00 AM . “India should have two time zones” I spoke to myself .  I was craving for tea. There was no sign of home stay owners in dining area . “Still sleeping” I  guessed. So took the road searching tea stall .  One side of road is army ground . And behind that a forested hill. Later I came to know it is Damsang fort  part of Paiengaon forest . On other side of road beautiful homes were lined up on the slope . I noticed newspaper and Letter boxes at the gate. Military ground was getting filled up with army men for their daily exercise.  I climbed up to the ground walked on wet grass . Chatted with couple of soldiers. They were part of Sikkim regiment.  I remembered my search for tea when I saw tea setup for jawans on the ground.

Back on road I found one grocery shop cum restaurant. While waiting for tea tried to strike conversation with owner and few customers.  “From Mumbai just for running ?” Question was same . He might be wondering why this man past  military age is running . What is at stake ?  Black Tea was serves better in cold weather , I realised while sipping milked tea.  

Back in homestay, runners were gathered for tea at restaurant .Some new faces  from Goa , Kolkata , Gurgaon.

Their stories are very interesting

 Their runs , their plans , experiences ,travels . When you travel solo you are at advantage of making friends.

These all were from different places, different walks of life but common thing was passion for running .

  A group decided to trek nearby fort. I thought of joining them but I was in sleepers.

So after some time i started solo. Forest was dense and slope was steep. Scene below was very beautiful. Roofs of different colours on backdrop of mountain ranges made me remember my Everest base camp trek again.

After 200 meters of Steep climb  , found a flag of Army regiment waving on a tall pole . And some remains of old fort .

Delhi Guwahati group was already there. I joined them  After some chat we started our descent.

While coming down there was lot of knowing each other .

Dagar Sisters  Rita and Geeta always teasing each other , were more like friends then sisters . Pratibhu  Datta is writer of bestsellers. I was interested. "Send me titles, I will get it on amazon"  Pratibhu replied ."Dilip, It is in  Assamese". 

"Write it in  English then". Friendship was just 10 miniutes old . 

 "I will try Dilip , I promise" . Pratibhu kept that promise , But I am still waiting for his another promise . Assamese Tea .

  This auther and Maths Teacher  was more  cyclist than runner was scheduled for his first big ultra. I thought "I will more runne now on"

  Though downhill was steep and slippery  we covered it in no time listening stories of each other .

Military drill was over when we reached grounds at bottom of hills . Breakfast table with tea was laid for soldiers on the lawn .  we felt strong craving for Tea and Jawans were happy to offer us .

Morning gave us a lot than expected, a good hill Trek , and got  three good friends.

I dropped plan of route recce. Trek was enough exhaustive for body, so there was no point taking exhaustive route recce and get frightened by ascends and descends .

"I will see what to do when I actually reach there in race "I thought aloud. I think everyone in our homestay thought same way .

  Retired to room after breakfast . Rooms are boring in hills especially when you are traveling alone Those are cold . Dining rooms are warm , because of people , kitchen , food , and  fireplaces.

You can't sleep when you are going thru marathon jitters. though it is your n'th marathon. It is all same .

 And I think it is same for everyone. Because everyone was in dining hall when I entered well before decided time to go for BIB Collection .


Kalimpong Ultra Marathon part 2- Reaching There

So finally day has arrived . I reached Airport  for early flight and got some  pleasant surprises . My co travellers happens to be Mr Arun   Nayak and Pushpa Bhat . Both legendary runners. Arun  a pleasant  dentist   from south Mumbai was doing 90 k and Pushpa madam the veteran runner in her late 60s was scheduled to run 65 km. It was long flight to Bagdogra . Longer than international flights to gulf countries . I wondered about vastness of our great country .

      Bagdogra was as hot and humid as Mumbai. May be because of cloud cover. I was not expecting this . "I expected a bit cooler  weather." I protested     The wait for taxi took more than hour .  Roshni has arranged Taxi pooling  for out station runners . So Valerian  our driver came from Pedong for me and Ms Pushpa Bhat . Our taxi took us to green  forest of Sevok   after chaotic traffic of Siliguri.  The sight of greenery  changed mood of everybody . Sevok  is dense forest on plains . At some elephant crossing marking driver Valerian told us stories of wild elephants. Pushpa ji travelled this area previously as well. She has memories of famous doors region. Teesta river was on our right at start of the hilly regions. Steadily we kept climbing with great , fast Teesta in sight . Water was muddy may be because of rains on earlier day. Teesta has some dams there with one hydroelectric project .  Pushpa ji pointed me to Famous coronation bridge” It is door of doors region .” Traffic was heavy on  narrow road . Driver said this is important road connecting Sikkim to Siliguri. In these difficult hills  Railways is building new lines thru tall viaducts over valleys and long tunnels thru hills . Really commendable job. We stopped for a Tea on banks of Teesta . Exactly below under construction Railway Viaduct ( Bridge) .  The Nepali couple owner of Tea joint were happy to talk with us . “ You have come from Mumbai just for running ? “ He was puzzled.

 We left Gangtok road , crossed Teesta bridge  and kept ascending to  Kalimpong region  . Traffic was thin but road was quite narrow.

Air was getting cooler now . Region is extremely beautiful. With hills and valleys on either side . Beautiful homes with colours full tin roofs.

I remembered Panchgani when we crossed groups of  cute students in  stylish uniform

s crossing road. 

Kalimpong Region is beautiful but that is not thing with town we  found . Very narrow roads. Unruly traffic , rampant haphazard construction. Unpainted houses  doesn’t make same impression that of nature .

" How much more time " Pushpa ji asked velorian . "Madam just few kilometres" he replied the same answer a dozen times .

Journey was long , but I was enjoying it . The clouds were turning black , and sound was telling that something is brewing up there . " It must be running up in Pedong  " Valerian remarked . I was curious again

"Is pendong is at  further up,"

 Yes sir we will be uphill for next 10/12 km . "Is there snow fall in winters here? " No sir but it shows in Lava.  You will be passing thru Lava in your marathon " Valerian was happy to answer .

 "Just 2 km to go " Valerian replied to teasing or annoyed Pushpa ji .

   But within a minute  Valerian stopped suddenly, smiled mischievously   and announced " . We are here "

Oh I was enjoying .  I wanted to just go own and  keep breathing serene nature . But Ok we are here finally .On left side  up there was huge army ground and other establishment and on  down left side  rows of houses in different colours and shapes .

Is it our home stay ?

Yes . A smiling   man  of Gorkha  descent  emerged from somewhere and greeted Valerian .

He introduced himself as Sunil Mukhia ..

Monday, May 15, 2023

What is Kalimpong - A very late post


 What is Kalimpong ?

I never heard name Kalimpong in my life. Few months back Coach Satish Gujaran sir posted in our group that he is planning a comrades training run there. He did recce   there and posted pics of hilly roads. Later Roshni Rai a veteran comrades runner and founder of Run with Roshni foundation declared an Ultra marathon there.

Then I checked where exactly this place is. Challenge was reaching there so I didn't think much about it. I am not doing comrades this year there so I didn't need any training run. Summer was already in so marathon season was already over.

Since last one year running was important part of my life.  Some event was always round the corner . I realised that  there was nothing to do as Berlin marathon was 6 months away   My next race is on  6 months away . The vacuum started troubling me .  So Kalimpong ultra kept tempting . Moreover my Guru Satish Gujaran and dear friend Becky pde were brand ambassadors. I asked few of my buddies . Some   were preparing for comrades here and for others Kalimpong was  too far almost on other side of the country . Going there was involved lot of time . I registered but still was not yet ready to go .Few weeks before  Satish sir asked me how much you are doing at Pedong ?

I guessed he is talking about Kalimpong. He gave me training plan for two weeks.  Now I must do it . I booked tickets. Spoken with home stay owner and did the booking. I joined WhatsApp group made by  organiser Roshni Rai . It was most buzzing group  till event date. Runners from all over India. All great achievers. Everyone was excited about hills of  Kalimpong valley in  lower  Himalayan ranges . I was curious about elevation challenge. Since this was first edition no data was available.  With whatever data I could collect, i made an rough  elevation map in my mind . Then feed it in Excel  as a habit . The broader plan broken into 6  parts . Incline of 5 km.  Flat ( it was not flat  actually  but steep Rolling )of 15 km . Decline of 12.5 km  and  back . Then the plan further broken into every kilometres.

All set now .

So waiting for day of departure