Thursday, May 18, 2023

Kalimpong Ultra Part 3- Neel Pahari Resort


 Kalimpong Ultra Part 3

"Oh yes ,  we spoke on phone "  Sunil Mukhia  was pleasant man in his mid-fifties . As we entered home stay , we were stunned by colours of flowers. The entries entrance and balconies of two storey house was laden by flower pots of different colours. Plants were  placed everywhere possible , horizontally and vertically . It was most beautiful welcome to any place.

   However Neel Pahari resort our homestay looked like forever work in progress .  In the basement the Mukhia family was running a school.  Some adding of floors and rooms as and when required was evident. Still some construction was going on. Why it was called Resort I don’t know .


      But my expectations were not high . Neel Pahari was built on a slope you can view a deep valley from one window and a tall hill from other. I was happy though room was very basic . Weather was pleasant  now . I didn't wait for hot water . Quickly took a shower and came to dining area . It was around 5.30.  Sunil asked Black Tea or with Milk . I remembered ginger Tea on  my EBC trek. Tea with milk was rarity  there.  Sunil loved this valley . He told me   Geography

“The road you travelled is silk route . It was trade route between india and Tibet thru Sikkim”

  “India annexed Sikkim and China annexed Tibet” , So no trade after that”. Some History too . 

“In clear weather you can so Dokhlam from here” . There was some bloody wrestling between Indian and Chinese soldiers  a year back in Dokhlan    He told me some war stories of the place too.

Though in Bengal  this region is not true Bengali . Its Geography , Demography is different . This Eastern Himalayan region is bordering  Bhutan , Sikkim and Chiana , Bagladesh are not far away .

  Dining hall was filling with runners  from Delhi , Haryana , Guwahati. Mostly they were in groups . Ex

Cloud cover above started rumbling  now .

The rain started and quickly turned into hailstorm. It was terrifying noisy affair .  “ What if it happens in race ?” It was scary thought .

In eastern part of India night come relatively early . So it was already dinnertime. Sunil’s family cooked simple but delicious food .

It was early to bed . But could not sleep because body clock has its own way. There was some anxiety building up. A fear of unknown.

I was staying alone in a secluded terrace room . Different thoughts crossed my mind I was afraid of unknown. It was unfamiliar way of going to sleep.

Sun rises very early here. Though I was fully awake, I didn't moved from bed till I got a feeling of sunrays entering from window glass.  I glanced at watch, it was 5.00 AM . “India should have two time zones” I spoke to myself .  I was craving for tea. There was no sign of home stay owners in dining area . “Still sleeping” I  guessed. So took the road searching tea stall .  One side of road is army ground . And behind that a forested hill. Later I came to know it is Damsang fort  part of Paiengaon forest . On other side of road beautiful homes were lined up on the slope . I noticed newspaper and Letter boxes at the gate. Military ground was getting filled up with army men for their daily exercise.  I climbed up to the ground walked on wet grass . Chatted with couple of soldiers. They were part of Sikkim regiment.  I remembered my search for tea when I saw tea setup for jawans on the ground.

Back on road I found one grocery shop cum restaurant. While waiting for tea tried to strike conversation with owner and few customers.  “From Mumbai just for running ?” Question was same . He might be wondering why this man past  military age is running . What is at stake ?  Black Tea was serves better in cold weather , I realised while sipping milked tea.  

Back in homestay, runners were gathered for tea at restaurant .Some new faces  from Goa , Kolkata , Gurgaon.

Their stories are very interesting

 Their runs , their plans , experiences ,travels . When you travel solo you are at advantage of making friends.

These all were from different places, different walks of life but common thing was passion for running .

  A group decided to trek nearby fort. I thought of joining them but I was in sleepers.

So after some time i started solo. Forest was dense and slope was steep. Scene below was very beautiful. Roofs of different colours on backdrop of mountain ranges made me remember my Everest base camp trek again.

After 200 meters of Steep climb  , found a flag of Army regiment waving on a tall pole . And some remains of old fort .

Delhi Guwahati group was already there. I joined them  After some chat we started our descent.

While coming down there was lot of knowing each other .

Dagar Sisters  Rita and Geeta always teasing each other , were more like friends then sisters . Pratibhu  Datta is writer of bestsellers. I was interested. "Send me titles, I will get it on amazon"  Pratibhu replied ."Dilip, It is in  Assamese". 

"Write it in  English then". Friendship was just 10 miniutes old . 

 "I will try Dilip , I promise" . Pratibhu kept that promise , But I am still waiting for his another promise . Assamese Tea .

  This auther and Maths Teacher  was more  cyclist than runner was scheduled for his first big ultra. I thought "I will more runne now on"

  Though downhill was steep and slippery  we covered it in no time listening stories of each other .

Military drill was over when we reached grounds at bottom of hills . Breakfast table with tea was laid for soldiers on the lawn .  we felt strong craving for Tea and Jawans were happy to offer us .

Morning gave us a lot than expected, a good hill Trek , and got  three good friends.

I dropped plan of route recce. Trek was enough exhaustive for body, so there was no point taking exhaustive route recce and get frightened by ascends and descends .

"I will see what to do when I actually reach there in race "I thought aloud. I think everyone in our homestay thought same way .

  Retired to room after breakfast . Rooms are boring in hills especially when you are traveling alone Those are cold . Dining rooms are warm , because of people , kitchen , food , and  fireplaces.

You can't sleep when you are going thru marathon jitters. though it is your n'th marathon. It is all same .

 And I think it is same for everyone. Because everyone was in dining hall when I entered well before decided time to go for BIB Collection .


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