Thursday, May 18, 2023

Kalimpong Ultra Marathon part 2- Reaching There

So finally day has arrived . I reached Airport  for early flight and got some  pleasant surprises . My co travellers happens to be Mr Arun   Nayak and Pushpa Bhat . Both legendary runners. Arun  a pleasant  dentist   from south Mumbai was doing 90 k and Pushpa madam the veteran runner in her late 60s was scheduled to run 65 km. It was long flight to Bagdogra . Longer than international flights to gulf countries . I wondered about vastness of our great country .

      Bagdogra was as hot and humid as Mumbai. May be because of cloud cover. I was not expecting this . "I expected a bit cooler  weather." I protested     The wait for taxi took more than hour .  Roshni has arranged Taxi pooling  for out station runners . So Valerian  our driver came from Pedong for me and Ms Pushpa Bhat . Our taxi took us to green  forest of Sevok   after chaotic traffic of Siliguri.  The sight of greenery  changed mood of everybody . Sevok  is dense forest on plains . At some elephant crossing marking driver Valerian told us stories of wild elephants. Pushpa ji travelled this area previously as well. She has memories of famous doors region. Teesta river was on our right at start of the hilly regions. Steadily we kept climbing with great , fast Teesta in sight . Water was muddy may be because of rains on earlier day. Teesta has some dams there with one hydroelectric project .  Pushpa ji pointed me to Famous coronation bridge” It is door of doors region .” Traffic was heavy on  narrow road . Driver said this is important road connecting Sikkim to Siliguri. In these difficult hills  Railways is building new lines thru tall viaducts over valleys and long tunnels thru hills . Really commendable job. We stopped for a Tea on banks of Teesta . Exactly below under construction Railway Viaduct ( Bridge) .  The Nepali couple owner of Tea joint were happy to talk with us . “ You have come from Mumbai just for running ? “ He was puzzled.

 We left Gangtok road , crossed Teesta bridge  and kept ascending to  Kalimpong region  . Traffic was thin but road was quite narrow.

Air was getting cooler now . Region is extremely beautiful. With hills and valleys on either side . Beautiful homes with colours full tin roofs.

I remembered Panchgani when we crossed groups of  cute students in  stylish uniform

s crossing road. 

Kalimpong Region is beautiful but that is not thing with town we  found . Very narrow roads. Unruly traffic , rampant haphazard construction. Unpainted houses  doesn’t make same impression that of nature .

" How much more time " Pushpa ji asked velorian . "Madam just few kilometres" he replied the same answer a dozen times .

Journey was long , but I was enjoying it . The clouds were turning black , and sound was telling that something is brewing up there . " It must be running up in Pedong  " Valerian remarked . I was curious again

"Is pendong is at  further up,"

 Yes sir we will be uphill for next 10/12 km . "Is there snow fall in winters here? " No sir but it shows in Lava.  You will be passing thru Lava in your marathon " Valerian was happy to answer .

 "Just 2 km to go " Valerian replied to teasing or annoyed Pushpa ji .

   But within a minute  Valerian stopped suddenly, smiled mischievously   and announced " . We are here "

Oh I was enjoying .  I wanted to just go own and  keep breathing serene nature . But Ok we are here finally .On left side  up there was huge army ground and other establishment and on  down left side  rows of houses in different colours and shapes .

Is it our home stay ?

Yes . A smiling   man  of Gorkha  descent  emerged from somewhere and greeted Valerian .

He introduced himself as Sunil Mukhia ..

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