Saturday, June 13, 2020


When comrades Marathon was called off heart break was ju st a formality . It was broken piece by piece since corona virus started spreading  its vicious empire .  We three Me , Dr Milind Dhale and Bindesh Singh really sweated hard to qualify and then training .

  We all  had   decided to run  a really long distance on scheduled date 14th June to compensate for our missed comrades .   Sometime in May we got a mail from   CMA ( Comrades Marathon Associations ) that they have orgnised a virtual run on 14th June . We three  happily said ok that we will register . But when i tried to  register they were asking  charges from all Overseas runners . Though charges were not huge, It was like rubbing salt on a wound as we already lost huge money of around 1,50,000 and more on travel, stay and registration.

   Later we decided to hell with virtual  comrades certificate and planned to run our own managed Comrade run. Run which was planned on 14 th shifted to 12th June my birthday  to make it a celebration of different kind . My  partners in crime  immediately agreed to make it happen.
  I  was already running short distances  but not any long run. We three did one 15 k and had accidental  Tadi( booze of palms like tree ) party on beautiful Kalyan river side. We never knew such place exists in Kalyan .while coming back we found one injury is troubling our rising star Bindesh..  Me and Dr Milind did one Titwala run in scorching heat . We were both exhausted  and started to have second thoughts about planned run . Heat was so high that i weighed three kg less post run due to hydration loss . It was frightening to see blood in urine , Consulted Dr Milind , He too experienced in last winter  . Searched in running websites and found it is not that uncommon .   

     Luckily  weather turned in our favour after Cyclone Nisarga  and we were hopeful again .
 Sachin  Sir  agreed to run some distance and  Dr Shyam  wanted to volunteer. I wanted him to run some distance as 12th june is his birthday as well.  Durgesh bhai was ready with big smile  .Pankaj was happy to give us support . Bindesh spoke with Dheeraj and he too was happy to give us water support in car .
      But weather was again warm a week before run. I was looking for weather forecast everyday . every  weather website said  rains will start from 11th June.  We had few droplets on 11th but heat and humidity was increasing . and there was no sign of rains .
 But when you speak aloud about doing  something then it becomes your commitment.  I spoke with three of my inspirations Ashish Kasodekar , Satish Gujran sir and Becky Pde . They encouraged me such a way that there was no doubt in my mind about completing 53 km to mark my 53rd Birthday . So stage was set . I woke up at two .Actually hardly slept.   Even You run your hundredth  event you can't sleep previous night . Checked out of window road was dry, My heart sunk but there was no turning back .
Reached Vasant valley our starting point  at 2.50 AM . Did some  light warm  up . Got a call from  Dr Shyam . he was coming for mobile water points along with Sachin .
 We started around 3.10 . it was good start with really nice pace  . Route was fixed  and informed to our support team  and there was no impromptu  change as support team may get confused .   Sachin and Dr Shyam helped us throughout first loop . They were joined by Dr  Hiraman.  After 10  km Bindesh's injury started giving trouble . We slowed down but there was so much pain so he decided to take a small break . Despite of injury he tried to there with me  for small runs . it was really invaluable support . In the night hours Dr Shyam Sir's BMW was blaring inspirational songs in full volume to keep our moral high.
   Dheeraj  was  with another  mobile support after 6.00 AM
   Dr Milind decided to  stop  after first loop as he has to travel  to  Navi Mumbai . Then Seema ran with me for few kms then Arwind Katkar sir supported  with 5 more km .  Meanwhile Pankaj joined Dheeraj in his car . A thing about Pankaj is he always has some surprise element , He brought a bottle of home made energy drink. It was so refreshing to see my friends having different ideas to support my run .
      As Katkar sir left I was running alone.  Dheeraj  noted this , handed over his car keys to Pankaj and  started running with me . He ran entire second loop intermittently as he was totally out of practice and running just to support me.  . If he was not there it was very difficult run as sun was already up and humidity was too high and roads were full of traffic .
    My   non runner friend Kedar was third mobile support for water and food . He has different ideas to encourage He started facebook live with wonderful  commentary.   Pankaj and Kedar helped me a lot as they had to wait long as I was running slow in return of 2nd loop. .As water I poured on my head   to beat heat soaked my socks . Socks got wrinkled and it was giving lot of pain while I was running.  I  had no stomach to remove shores and wear again .
 Durgesh bhai took some good snaps . Pankaj too did  Facebook Live .  A small personal  run turned into a micro event.    Last 5 km was torture . I was walking a lot . thanks to Dheeraj once again for that support .
    it was hero like welcome on last 1 km . group of dozen friends clapping  while I was running slowly . Prabhakar  Chande sir paced me by  his scooter  in last 1 km . My friends Arun Sapkale , Prof Namdeo , Shekhar  Nitavane ,  Kedar , Pankaj, Bindesh , Dhiraj , Durgesh  were all cheering up.
      I was exhausted and socks were acting like thorns . I threw off my shoes , and walked few steps . Chandekar sir tried to give me some necessary stretching , But I was too tired .
We cut a nice birthday cake brought by Prabhakar sir . I missed my friend supported me in early part has to leave for office as it was working day .
 I believe running 53  km was bit challenging. but supporting such run is more challenging , because you have to wait long for a single  slow runner  .And keep waiting for 6.45 hours is not easy thing .
 I dedicate this run to all my friends , Trainers and Mentors


another page from lock down

वेळ सत्कारणी लावायचा कंटाळा आलाय
सकाळी उठून व्यायाम करायचा कंटाळा आलाय
 नवीन  कायतरी शिकायचं बास झालं आता
ऑनलाईन शिकवण्या खूप झाल्या आता
 पंखे तरी किती वेळा पुसायचे
आणि कपाट किती वेळा लावायची
 क्लासिक सिनेमे शोधायचे
कळत नसलं  तरी बघायचे.
 काय  वाचायची  ती पुस्तकं
तेच ते शहाणपण आणि ज्ञान फुकाच
 बघून झाले सगळे फोटो जुने पुराणे
फेसबुक पण आता  झाले सूने सूने.
किती करायचं  कौतुक मोकळ्या झालेल्या हवेचं
 जीव कोंडलाय इकडे  कारण कुठच नाही जायचं
नको तो टी व्ही , नको त्या बातम्या , चर्चा आणि उपेक्षा
 तिथे दिसतात यातना आणि  विरतात सगळ्या अपेक्षा
    म्हणालं होत कुणीतरी आशेवरती जग चालतं
  जग तर थांबलय आता , मग आशेच काय करायचं  ?
........ दिलीप

a page from lock down diary

दैनंदिनी तले एक पान 
कुठ तरी नवीन रस्त्यांनी प्रवासाला निघालेले असावं आणि एखादा छान सा  घाट लागावा रस्त्यात . खोल दरीमधून पाण्याचा आवाज ही येत असतो . . कधी गाडी आपण थांबवितो . कधी ठरवितो पुढच्या वेळेस नक्की थांबुया इथे.  थांबलो तरी लगेच आठविते  अमुक वेळेला पोचायचं आहे रे.
 पण कधी कधी कामाचं विचार चक्र येवढं व्यस्त ठेवत की  घाट आधी गाडीला जाणवतो आणि म्हणून नंतर आपणास .  एका सुंदर अनुभवाला आपण बगल देऊन गेलोय हे आपणास कळत सुद्धा नाही .
 अगदी सकाळी चालायला जायचं उदाहरण घ्या . अगदी शहरात सुद्धा निसर्गाचे आविष्कार पुसटसे जाणवतात .
नवीनच आलेला एखादा पक्षी,  पावसाळ्यात  फुललेलं गवतफुल , आचानक पिवळ्या फुलांनी डवरलेली कडेची झाडं  दिसतात. पण  ऑफिस पकडायच असतं थांबून आस्वाद नाही घेता येत .
         आता या महामारी च्या भीती मुळे आयुष्य थोडंसं थबकलय. ठरवून ही घेता नसता आला असा निवांतपणा मिळालाय.  आताशा  आजूबाजूला असणाऱ्या पण माहित नसणाऱ्या बऱ्याच गोष्टी दिसतायत. माझ्या सोसायटीच्या आवारात शेवग्यायच झाड आहे मला मागच्या आठवड्यात कळलं. आणि काल मागच्या रिकाम्या जागे मध्ये दोन भली मोठी आंब्याची झाड ही दिसली.  आज  भिंतीलगत  पाच मिनिट उभा राहून  अंदाज घेत होतो कैऱ्या कशा काढता येतील. पण  झाडावरून पडण्याच्या भितीपेक्षा शेजारी काय म्हणतील या विचारांनी तिथून निघालो .  पण लहानपणी आख्खा आंब्याचा  मौसम  झाडावर  चढून कैऱ्या चोरण्यात जायचा याची आठवण मात्र मनाला सुखावून गेली .  आमच्या सोसायटीत फक्त एक पांढर कबुतर आहे . कधीतरी फेऱ्या मारताना मला ते विशिष्ट ठिकाणीच दिसत. त्यांची पण हद्द ठरली असावी बहुधा. नाहीतरी सगळी कबुतर सारखीच दिसतात .. हे पांढर होत म्हणून लक्ष्यात राहिलं. आज लक्ष्यात राहिलेली अजून एक गोष्ट म्हणजे आडवा गेलेला भाला मोठा साप. 15 फूट तरी असावा. धामण असावी बहुधा नाहीतर अजगर. थांबून तो  दगडात दिसेनासा होईपर्यंत पाहिलं .किती सुंदर असतो साप. भीती वाटते खरी  पण म्हणून त्याचं  साैंदर्य  न्याहाळयाच आणि वाखाणण्याच  राहून जात.
     माझ्या  घराजवळ  एका मोकळ्या जागेत रोज एक दानशूर माणूस रोज कबुतरांना भरपूर धान्य टाकून जातो.   कबुतरांचा थवाच्या थवा तिथे येऊन  दाने टिपतो . पण चाहूल लागली की सगळेच्या सगळे उडून जातात.  पिसांचा नुसता सडा पडतो . पंखाच्या फडफडीचा  एकत्रित येणारा आवाज बऱ्याच दिग्दर्शकांनी त्यांच्या चित्रपटात वापरलाय . मला ते पक्षी उडताना बघून नेहमी परिंदा आठवितो नाना पाटेकर चा.  फेऱ्या घेताना मी जरा लांबून जातो. त्यांच्या  खाण्यात व्यत्यय नको असतो पण त्या बारीक  पिसा पासून ही दूर राहायचं असतं .
 आज ही असाच एक मोठा थवा बसलेला पाहिलं मी.
 एक कुत्रा धावत  थव्यामध्ये शिरला .पक्षांशी  खेळतोय अस वाटल मला सुरुवातीला. भुर्रकन सगळे पक्षी उडून गेले आणि कुत्रा मात्र तोंडामध्ये एक कबुतर घेऊन परत आला.  अच्छा ही शिकार होती तर . आता त्या ठिकानाकडे माझे लक्ष लागून राहिलं.  सगळी कबुतर इमारतीवर झाडावर बसून होती . खूप वेळ फिरकली नाहीत . कुत्रा ही तिथे  थोड्या अंतरावर बसून होता.  थोड्या वेळानी पुन्हा कबुतर खाली उतरली. दाणे टिपायला लागली. कुत्रा बसूनच होता.  पण कुणीतरी जवळून गेलं आणि पक्षी  पंखाचा मोठा आवाज करीत उडाली.  दोनदा तीनदा असे झाल्यावर  कुत्र्यान पुन्हा एकदा शिकार केली . मला वाटलं त्यांची स्मरणशक्ती थोडी कमी असावी .
 दुसरं असं जाणवल की   चाहूल लागली की बाहेरच्या बाजूचे पक्षी लवकर उडून जातात , नंतर  त्यांच्या बाजूचे . शेवटच्या पक्ष्यांना माहीत पडेपर्यंत काही क्षण निघून जातात. ते तिथेच गोंधळून उभे असतात. आणि शेवटी उडून जातात. त्यामुळे कुत्रे घुसले की त्यांना शिकार नक्की मिळते .
 एक गमतीदार विचार मनात येऊन गेला . आपला तो दानशूर माणूस खाऊ घालतो ते  कबुतरां साठी की कुत्र्यांना शिकार मिळावी म्हणून?


when I sit in my solitary window
staring  at deserted  road and piece of sky
   that is too often now.
as there is  nothing to do and nowhere to go 
   I dont bother to look at the watch or care about calender .
As hours ,days , weeks and months are blended into each other
       Though it is not jail , and I can easily break out .
still I feel lonely , unwanted and disconnect .

    Then i  think about few who spent   most of the life there in confinement.

  ,Gandhi  spent  years  in Yerwada , Tilak  in Mandaley.

Mandela in  Robbin island and Aung suu ki  in  her own house

 I wonder how they keep their hope alive
  and what they did millions to inspire .

     Didnt you see their best years were there in  confinement alone .

   Their fasts , their writings , their  isolation  there , won the wars and changed fortune
     certainly thru window of the powerful mind they had seen dreams  for their kind